The Republic of Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago made of 17,508 large and small islands each with its own unique, distinctive features, many still untouched and some are even unnamed. It is located between the continents of Australia and Asia and two great oceans, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Because it spans so widely across the seas, it shares borders with many neighboring nations such as Malaysia and Singapore, East Timor, the Philippines to the north and Australia to the south. It is a country of 238 million people from around 300 ethnic groups and 742 languages and dialects. Its national language is Bahasa Indonesia.

Because of its location, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscapes, spanning from the westernmost city of Sabang and to the easternmost city of Merauke. With its islands scattered on both sides of the equator, fertile rice fields, luxurious tropical rainforests and dazzling coral reefs are some of Indonesia's natural beauties. Furthermore, with three tectonic plates residing below it, Indonesia is home to many volcanoes, both active and inactive.
Indonesia has the world's second highest level of biodiversity after Brazil, thanks to its tropical climate and archipelagic geography. Indonesia's western part holds Asian flora and fauna, where as its eastern part is home to Australasian-influenced creatures. The orangutan, the Komodo Dragon and the bird-of-paradise are only a handful of what Indonesia can offer.

Interactions between indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences in the past have shaped Indonesia's wide range of culture. Ancient temples and artifacts including the famous Borobudur Temples, traditional and contemporary art performances such as the shadow puppet, and last but not least, Indonesia's cuisines spiced with tropical flavors are the outcomes of these interactions left to be explored and tasted.
The country also owns state-of-the-art facilities that accompany its natural beauties. Unique and luxurious hotels are scattered all over the country, from big cities to sandy beaches, ready to facilitate your visit to Indonesia. Not only that, boutiques and shopping malls sell local brands and branded products, making it a shoppers' paradise. Convention centers in the country have also provided services to exhibitions and conferences, making business trip more satisfying. Many main cities across the country also have their own airports, each connected with international flights, making it easier for travelers to access.
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