Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cuisine: West Java

  • Main Dish
  1. Karedok

Ever tried raw vegetables salad? If you haven’t, make sure you try some when you travel to Bandung. This salad consists of vegetables such as cucumbers, beansprouts, cabbage and green eggplant. It is served with peanut sauce with strong garlic and kencur (ginger-like root) aroma.


    2. Kupat Tahu

This is another Sundanese cuisine served with peanut sauce. Kupat tahu consists of ketupat (rice that has been wrapped in woven palm leaf pouch and boiled) and fried tofu, with peanut sauce as its dressing. Sometimes it is also served with beansprouts and fried onion as garnish.

Kupat Tahu

    3. Empal Gentong

This dish is the dish you would want to try when you stop by at Cirebon, a city in West Java. It is made from beef and mainly cow’s intestines that are boiled in traditional clay pots. Eat with rice or lontong, Indonesia’s boiled packed rice.

Empal Gentong

    4. Nasi Jamblang

Another of Cirebon’s traditional dishes, nasi jamblang is the buffet-styled dish mainly served in food stalls along roads in the city. Many dishes such as fried tofu and tempe, fried salted-fish, perkedel (a mixture of ground beef and potato fried) and stir-fried vegetables are some examples of the side dishes that you can eat along with rice that is wrapped in teak leaves. 

Nasi Jamblang

  • Snacks
  1. Batagor
This fried fish dumplings is one of Bandung’s most famous delicacies. It is made from the wahoo fish, but tuna, mackerel or prawn are also used as substitutes. Batagor is similar to the Chinese shumai, but instead of steamed, batagor is deep-fried and is served with the tasty peanut sauce.


  • Beverages
  1. Bajigur
Bajigur is one of Indonesia’s many traditional beverages that originated from West Java. Its main ingredients are coffee, sugar palm and coconut milk. This drink is best served hot, especially in cold and rainy days.


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